How I Increased My Pinterest Monthly Viewers From 0 to 100k in 3 Weeks

*Some these links are affiliate links which means if you buy the product through my link I will get a small commission at no extra cost to you which helps me out a lot.

Do you want to take your Pinterest game to the next level and increase your website views? If the answer is yes, then this is the post for you.

2 weeks ago, I did as much research as I could in order to increase my Pinterest Monthly Viewers and website traffic. This was an attempt to increase Pinterest traffic to my blog.

And after changing my Pinterest strategies, it worked! Keep reading to find out how I increased my Pinterest monthly viewers from 0 – 100k in 3 weeks.

What Are Pinterest Monthly Viewers?

Pinterest has over 200 million monthly users, and this number is rapidly increasing. Every day people are using Pinterest to search for everything from Travel and Entertainment to Celebs and Quotes. This makes it the perfect platform to promote your blog on.

Pinterest monthly viewers means the average number of people who see your pins on the platform per month. The average monthly engaged viewers means the average number of people who act on your pins, either through clicking on them or repinning. 

I became serious about Pinterest as soon as I set up my blog, as I didn’t want to waste any time in diverting my audience to my website. To start this process, I immediately converted my Pinterest account to a business account so I was able to keep track of my monthly viewers and see my analytics. 

This allows you to see your top pin impressions (your pins that have the most impressions, saves and clicks) and also the demographics of your audience such as their gender and the language they speak.

What Does SEO Mean?

When creating a Pinterest account to promote your blog or website, you should firstly think about a few relevant topics that relate to your blog. Ask yourself what your target audience would be interested in and create boards that line up with these interests. Because I blog about money, I created boards like Saving and Making Money, Debt, Frugal Lifestyle and Budgeting.

SEO, otherwise known as Search Engine Optimization, is a big part of increasing your Pinterest audience. It helps you to obtain a higher ranking on search engines like Google. To achieve this, it is important to put keywords in your pin and board descriptions. To find relevant keywords you can use, use the Pinterest search bar and type in keywords that you might use for a blog post title. I also use Google Keyword Planner. 

Additionally, I optimized my profile for SEO by changing my name from ‘Brit On A Budget’ to ‘ Lauren l Brit On A Budget l Personal Finance & Blogging Tops’. As well as enabling me to appear higher on searches, this immediately tells my audience what my blog and Pinterest boards are about.

You should regularly pin and spend time on Pinterest as this will help you to increase your audience. I like to use both Tailwind and manually pin, especially from bloggers in my niche. Tailwind allows you to join tribes and set a pinning schedule, which does most of the work for you. I initially began using the free trial version of Tailwind, however I upgraded this to an annual subscription later on.

(This is my analytics from 28th March 2018 (0 viewers, 0 engaged) to 18th April 2018 (118,270 viewers, 5,193 engaged) – my average monthly viewers increased by 18,350.86% in 3 weeks)

What Are Rich Pins?

Another method to increase Pinterest traffic to your website is to enable rich pins. Pinterest describes them as ‘adding extra details to Pins from your website’. There are currently 4 different types of Rich Pins:

Product Pins – they include real-time pricing, availability and info on where to buy your product

Recipe Pins – adds info to your pin like ingredient list, cooking times and serving sizes

Article pins – each pin shows a headline, author and story description

App pins – these pins show an install button so that people can download your app without leaving Pinterest (these pins are only compatible with iOS)

A rich pin also displays your website and web icon on the pin which makes it easier for users to be directed to your website. As well as creating relevant boards, I cleaned up my boards by deleting any boards that don’t fit in with my niche or relate to my blog. Additionally, create board covers with a cohesive theme running through them. This enables your audience to know what the board is about just by looking at the board cover. You can also create sections for each of your boards as this helps viewers to find what they are looking for straight away and encourages repinning. It is important to make sure that each board has at least 50 pins in it.

Furthermore, I created a board with only pins that link directly to my blog posts in so that my audience can access them quickly. A great technique that I used is to create different designs of a pin for one blog post. This helps to see what works best for you and allows you to get traffic to 1 blog post from 2 or more different pins. Essentially, you can keep promoting the same blog article multiple times but your pin still looks new.

I hope this post has given you an idea on how to I increased my Pinterest monthly viewers from 0 – 100k in 3 weeks and how you can increase your own Pinterest following. Be sure to let me know your Pinterest tips in the comments below or tweet me @BritOnABudget1. Happy pinning!

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